I was speaking with someone who had just returned from Gulf Stream park and they were quite upset. When I asked why, he stated that he had run into a group of young girls who were treating horses with a "wave" product in the form of a PEMF machine. He asked what settings they used and one girl responded that she just turned the knob until she felt it was high enough.
Young kid, no training or direction, using a potentially dangerous product, being exposed to harmful levels for hours each day. What could possibly go wrong? Read the paragraph below and you'll understand why the gentleman was upset. "Also, it is especially dangerous if there are any pregnant women – or horses – in the barn while the device is running because the electromagnetic radiation dispersed could cause miscarriages or birth defects. There is also extreme risk for people with heart conditions. For a person with a heart murmur or arrhythmia, it can be life threatening to be in proximity to a PEMF device while it is running." These girls had no idea that they were using an open field PEMF machine that had an output of 17,500 gauss (we looked it up)*. When you're treating your horse, you're also treating yourself and everyone around you. Here's another way to think about this. When you get an MRI (5,000 - 30,000 gauss output), the techs are generally shielded inside a lead room**. Now think about a young girl, being exposed to MRI levels ALL DAY without a LEAD ROOM to protect her. It's critically important to understand PEMF and what the potential risks are. When you take into consideration that Cytowave gauss output levels are between 28 - 34 gauss (considered extremely low and safe), you'll probably be floored when you learn that some pulsed magnetic therapy devices run at an AVERAGE OF 19,000 GAUSS! Here is an excellent article that discusses popular brands than can pose a risk. Below are links to help you get started on learning what PEMF is and the possible dangers. Research: http://equimed.com/news/health/pulsed-electromagnetic-devices-pose-health-risks http://www.pemft.net/the-myth-of-high-intensity-pemf.html http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/public-never-warned-about-dangerous-device/ * From the Magnawave website: The measured magnetic energy produced by the Magna Wave PEMF devices is approximately 17,500 Gauss, 1.75 Tesla. **MRIs use output levels of 5,000 to 30,000 gauss and when activated the patient is alone in a sealed chamber protecting the rest of the medical staff from exposure. In contrast, high-voltage PEMF devices use similar levels of gauss and the entire barn - horses and people alike - are exposed.”
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If we've learned one thing since we introduced Cytowave, it is how effective our technology is with treating inflammation. Inflammation reduction is generally noted with the first 4 treatments or so. And given that inflammation is at the root of almost every injury, we're in a pretty good position to heal a broad range of injuries as well as prevent them.
There are a number of particularly vexing equine health issues that don't have known cures. CPL is one of them. Unless you share your life with a draft horse or those predisposed to CPL, you may not have heard of Chronic Progressive Lymphedema, an inflammation based disease. You can read more about CPL here. I mention this because we've had our first treatment of a CPL case (a stunning Fand the results are not only encouraging, they are quite compelling for those that have breeds that are susceptible to this disease. You can read the interview with Emily, owner of the aforementioned Freisian with CPL below. *** Emily and Mike Jewell own a small farm in southern Indiana and they breed and raise Friesian and Andalusian horses. At any given time they care for 10 or more horses, a few of which are Friesian and Andalusian mares. They stand two stallions, an Andalusian and their pride and joy Friesian stallion Keegan. Keegan is the celebrity in their area and has appeared in several magazines such as Horse Illustrated and Horse and Rider. Keegan and some of their other horses have been used in several Farnam ads. Keegan has really made a name for himself and Grace and Beauty farms with all of his accomplishments. Emily understands that when it comes to horses, there is no shortage of maladies that they can suffer from. Take for example one of her Friesians. Emily noticed something was wrong when he was around 5 or 6 years old. Small nodules had appeared on the horse’s rear legs, just behind the hoofs. At first Emily thought he had scratches, but when the condition worsened, she researched and discovered that this was the early stage of Chronic Progressive Lymphedema (CPL), a lymphatic disorder that many draft horses, including Friesians are seemingly predisposed to. Emily began treating her Friesian horse to slow the advancement of CPL but results were not positive. In spite of her efforts, the symptoms spread from the right rear leg to the left rear leg, then progressed to the two front legs. She began to fear the inevitable - since there is no known cure, most heavy bodied horses with CPL have to be euthanized around 15 years old. By chance, Emily was approached at a horse show by John Dovenmuehle who told her about Cytowave. “When he said “inflammation reduction” I really perked up.” At this point, she was ready to try anything to slow down the progress of this relentless, inflammation based disease. Cytowave did not have a specific CPL based set of therapy signals, but it did have a robust pain/inflammation program that had proven effective with other inflammation based conditions, including cellulitis. “At first, I didn’t know what to think. We had tried everything up to this point but really didn’t have anything to lose.” Emily stated. On April 27th, 2016, Emily began to use Cytowave treatments exclusively on her horse. After only 4 days of treatments, Emily noticed the inflammation had decreased. After the first week, the inflammation in the rear legs and the Cannon bone size had decreased as well. The nodules and the folds were softer, not as hard to the touch and the Cytowave boots were easier to wrap around his legs due to the decreased swelling. The shift in her horse’s demeanor underscored that positive physical changes were taking place. “He was more relaxed and comfortable. When I let him out in the pen, he was more active, running and bucking,” Emily said. After eight (8) days, the inflammation and Canon bone swelling continued to decrease. The folds in the rear legs were not as thick and were separating. Folds and nodules were softer and more pliable. There was still some dampness and oily feeling in the creases of the back hoof area but overall, the lesions were drier and reducing in size. And for the first time in weeks she was able to massage his legs without any discomfort. “He really began enjoying getting his legs massaged after his treatments,” Emily continued. “Overall he just seems really happy. I did not realize how much the disease had slowly robbed him of his spirit over the years because it was so gradual. Once he started feeling better, I realized I was getting my old horse back!” In the span of 10 days, measurements showed that the swelling had been substantially reduced. The Canon bone showed the most dramatic reduction in size, with the left leg going from 12 ½” to 10 ½”. On May 11th, Dr. Royal evaluated her horse and he noted that the Cytowave treatments had drastically reduced the swelling and inflammation. He said her horse seemed to be in very good health and his BAR (Bright, Alert, Responsive) was excellent. He was in very good health, sound, with little sensitivity in the folds of his legs. After twenty one (21) days of treatments, Emily continued to see positive results in slowing the progression of the CPL condition. The size of the folds and nodules decreased and lesions in the rear legs were drier and smaller. Pain and sensitivity in the folds of his legs lessened. His overall health improved and it was apparent that her horse felt much better. “At first he stamped his feet and was a bit agitated until he got used to the boots,” Emily said. “Now it’s a walk in the park for him and he really enjoys the treatments.” Her horse will continue with treatments and hopefully completely recover. As for Emily? She was so impressed with the results that she is now working for Cytowave to help promote their new technology. CONTACT INFORMATION: Emily Jewell - Grace and Beauty Farms Carlisle IN 812-691-1839 We've talked about this, probably ad naseum, but it is important because it's the health of a horse and human at stake. Sort of hard to dismiss that as a non-issue.
We at Cytowave pride ourselves on the safety of our product. The output of our magentic coils is extremely low, around 34 gauss. Which is why the following blurb absolutely floors me: The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in the U.S. and Sweden have made a cutoff point of 1 mG as acceptable exposure levels and recommend people avoid chronic exposure. This is why it is significant to note that some manufacturers advertise emitted magnetic energy of up to 19,200 gauss for their electromagnetic open field devices marketed for horses. You can read the rest of the article so you have context and more reference points. https://therapyproducts.net/articles/PEMF-dangers.php A viewer recently said they ran across a comparison of Cytowave versus another product and wanted to know if this was accurate. Or another way to put it, they wanted to give us a chance to defend our technology.
Our responses are in blue. 1. The EquiPulse PEMF will penetrate up to 16 inches. The CytoWave’s penetration is nominal 2 inches or less. a. This is incorrect! Cytowave being a more advance technology uses a formula of energy waves that targets and has more than one effect on more than one tissue type. Some tissues are more responsive to these varying waveforms. So penetration for some tissue can be well over 10 inches for maintenance response. For therapy Cytowave uses a polarity of +/- coils. For therapy optimal spacing is suggested about 3"-5". 2. The percussive contractions EquiPulse creates, instantly accelerates the benefits of vaso-dilation in a manner not possible with CytoWave. The percussive muscular contractions not only creates the mechanical pumping action to increase localized blood flow but also breaks up adhesion and scarring deep in bundles of muscle fibers in the affected/treated tissue(s). This is the same reason people experience spectacular results after one treatment. a. Cytowave is based on conductive flow therapy. It is well known that the energy levels it takes to create large muscles to contract to a magnetic pulse is unsafe. Nerve and tissue damage can be created with exposure to high energy therapy. Cytowave is considered low energy therapy, research is showing that more power doesn't always me more results with energy wave therapies. The advancements with radiation therapy is proof of that. b. Cytowave suggests for controlling blood flow safer forms of therapy like ice and heat be used to manage this. Misusing energy wave therapy is not recommended. c. As well proper rehabilitation along with maintenance use of Cytowave should produce lasting healing then shockwave therapy can. High powered magnetic therapy will produce shockwave therapy like results in tissue. Shockwave therapy is not intendent to heal tissue. It is a tool used to remodel tissue, this process must be carefully management during the rehabilitation process. 3. Cell permeability, production of Nitric Oxide, increases in cell metabolism and reduction of inflammation are massive in specific areas treated with the EquiPulse, because of the deep penetration. a. The energy waveform that is believed to trigger this response in found in Cytowave's carry waveforms. Cytowave therapy has proven very effect in managing deep tissue inflammation in acute and chronic injuries. However, Cytowave has created a formula of these known waveforms with SQUID waveforms. It is believed these natural forming energy waveforms help the reaction that the carry waves are known to produce in living tissue. No other energy wave system on the market today supports SQUID derived living tissue waveforms. Research into understanding these blends of waveforms is ongoing. 4. Delivery Loops: The EquiPulse's magnetic delivery loops are highly adaptable, flexible and way less prone to breakage. The Hoof Pro is the only Multi-Powered PEMF System capable of sending a PEMF signal directly into and through the Frog. No other electro-therapy device has been successfully designed to treat from under the hoof and to penetrate that deeply, including CytoWave. a. Cytowave's system consists of opposing coils that create a high level of conductive energy flow through the target area. Cytowave system can be used as well in a parallel configuration like most other energy waveform systems operate with. However, controlling the positioning of even a parallel coil configuration is suggested. This is why Cytowave systems supports applicators with its coil system. 5. Online sources report 30 minute CytoWave treatments. But CytoWave does not offer any specific treatment protocols other than “Carefully attach the CW leg wrap on this way or that way”…same with its other treatment applicators. a. Cytowave offers two levels of therapy with the system. 30 minute treatments target maintenance and 60 minute treatments offer therapy level treatments. Cytowave does offer a suggestive protocols for acute ligament injuries. However, Cytowave is well aware of the dynamics for a case suffering from an acute injury. That is why Cytowave works closely with veterinarians and rehabilitations centers to closely suggest case by case protocols. Cytowave is aware that to be part of the solution you have to be part of the overall process in successful healing. 6. CytoWave: “This proprietary electromagnetic treatment method is not PEMF and should not be confused with this older technology” see: http://www.cytowave.com/how-cytowave-works.html - Magnus Magnetica PEMF is not a "older technology". Our multi-powered / multi-frequency PEMF is ancrucial and emerging technology in the field of regenerative medicine during the last 10 years . It continues to be adopted because of its unparalleledability to quickly address muscleo-skeletal issues on humans, equine and small animals. a. PEMF has evolved from RF therapy research. This form of energy waveform therapy can be classified as low energy and high energy. For human use high energy is for the most part band for use in the EU. Use of low energy is allowed however gauss is limited to very low levels. Within the US the FDA is actively working on defining similar classifications that is currently used for Ultrasound devices. Once these new guidelines are set, it is likely access to high energy and some forms of even low energy devices will be restricted for public use. Cytowave is working with some parties to review and ensure power limit definitions fall within known studies for safety and effectiveness. As more advanced research is done with these forms of energy wave therapy, the older technologies will become obsolete. CHRONIC PROGRSSIVE LYMPHEDEMA (CPL) is the bane of many horse owners. Generally it rears its head around 6 years of age and over time debilitates a horse to where the owner faces the decision of having to euthanize there horse at around 15 or 16 years old.
We're hoping that Cytowave can change that typical scenario. Emily has owned Friesians for a very long time and she noticed that one of her males, a stunning 6 year old Friesian stallion began developing an unknown condition on his legs. . Small nodules appeared on rear legs, just behind the hoofs. Emily discovered through her research that these signs were the early stages of CPL. The symptoms spread from the right rear leg to the left rear leg, then progressed to the two front legs. This condition put her on a collision course with Cytowave, but she did not know it yet. Emily was only marginally aware of the condition when she began her research. She learned that since there is no known cure, most heavy bodied horses with CPL have to be euthanized around 15 years old. After trying many modalities, At this point, she was ready to try anything to slow down the progress of this relentless, inflammation based disease. Even though Cytowave does not have a specific CPL based set of therapy signals, it does have a robust pain/inflammation program that has proven effective with other inflammation based conditions, including cellulitis. Figuring she had nothing to lose, Emily used a unit for 45 days and restricted, this would be the only modality she would use to treat the CPL condition. On April 27th, 2016, Emily began Cytowave treatments on her horse. She worked closely with John Dovenmuehle, a representative from Cytowave who was monitoring the case. “At first, I didn’t know what to think. We had tried everything up to this point,” Emily stated. Knowing that CPL currently does not have a cure, she was willing to try anything. RESULTS After only 4 days of treatments, Emily noticed the inflammation was less. After the first week, the inflammation in the rear legs and the Cannon bone size had decreased . The nodules were softer, more pliable and the folds were softer, not as hard to the touch. Emily noted the boots were easier to wrap around his legs due to the swelling is subsiding. And she noticed a big change in his demeanor. Keegan was more relaxed and comfortable and when Emily turned him out in the pen to exercise, he was very active. After eight (8) days, inflammation and swelling continue to lessen. Canon bone swelling also reduced in size. The folds in the rear legs were not as thick and were separating. Folds and nodules were softer and more pliable. There was still some dampness and oily feeling in the creases of the back hoof area. The lesions were drier and reducing in size. Keegan was slowly healing. Emily was now able to massage his legs without any discomfort and it was noticeable that Keegan was feeling better. “When I let him out in the pen, he was more active, running and bucking. Overall he just seems really happy. I did not realize how much the disease had slowly robbed him of his spirit over the years because it was so gradual. Once he started feeling better, I realized I had gotten my old horse back!” Emily said. In the span of 10 days, measurements showed that the swelling had been reduced markedly. The thickness and width went from 3/8” to ½”. The Canon bone showed the most dramatic reduction in size, with the left leg going from 12 ½” to 10 ½”. On May 11th, Dr. Royal evaluated her horse and agreed that Cytowave was definitely working on the inflammation. He seemed to be in very good health, his BAR (Bright, Alert, Responsive) was excellent and he was sound with mild sensitivity in the folds on his legs. Dr. Royal noted that the swelling and inflammation has drastically reduced. After twenty one (21) days of treatments, we have seen positive results in slowing the progression of the CPL condition. The inflammation and swelling onhis rear legs has been substantially reduced. There has also been a significant reduction in the size of the folds and nodules in his rear legs. The lesions in the rear legs are drier and smaller. Pain and sensitivity in the folds of his legs has also been reduced. His overall health has improved and it is apparent that he feels much better. “At first he stamped his feet and was a bit agitated until he got used to the boots,” Emily said. “Now it’s a walk in the park for him and he really enjoys the treatments.” From time to time, one sees articles that hint at the benefits of sharing your life with a four legged. You know the ones - statistics showing that people who have companion animals live xx times longer than those who don't. They have lower stress levels and overall, don't suffer the health issues that people who don't share their lives with a dog, cat or horse.
Of course, the evidence of the incredible healing power of animals is all around you if you take the time to look. The person sitting on a bench with their dog, calmly existing in the moment. Or the person who had a bad day at work and is now enjoying a quiet moment on the trail with their horse. But it goes far beyond simply being family members. The value of using animals for therapy is recognized and is being widely embraced. Service dogs are used for visiting ill patients in hospitals or to help our soldiers who have PTSD syndrome, among many other uses. Horses are also used for therapy as well, whether it is a client suffering from PTSD, working with autistic children or troubled individuals that are making changes in their lives. These incredibly sensitive animals are used for treating addictions, anxiety, depression or other disorders. They can sense a struggling humans pain, as if there is an understanding that passes between the horse and a human. If you've ever felt a bond with a non-human, you'll understand what I'm talking about. Maryland Recovery offers equine therapy that augments their recovery programs. Using equine therapy helps to balance out their patients lives and their interaction with horses provides structure and allows for emotional growth. Read more about the life changing work Maryland Recovery is doing with horses and humans. Horses are incredibly sensitive, emotional sentient beings. If you're receptive, they can teach you a great deal about life and sometimes, even help you get through it. |
February 2018