We've heard it so often that we don't question it and it's become part of the fabric of our mantra. Once you have scar tissue, it's there forever. We're hoping to prove that may not always be the case. The reason this has even come up is that it was brought to our attention that Monte (yes, that Monte), our original Cytowave rescue horse, had so many tears and scar tissues, they played with the idea of putting him down. But upon reviewing his scans after he was treated, it was noted that not only did he recovery quite nicely (he's barrel racing now), it appears that there is something else going on with this legs. We're hoping this year to really be able to research EXACTLY what and how Cytowave heals and to what extent we actually create new tissue (instead of scarring) is formed, as several veterinarians have suggested. Stay tuned.
We've written about Marcus before and what a tough road he's traveled. As a refresher, Marcus had a number of issues, the least of which was osteophyte formation in his joints. After nine weeks of Cytowave treatments (fracture/bone treatment program), this is what Marcus's veterinarian had to say on her report: "There appears to be differences in both the left and right SI joint spaces from July to September. There is mineralization in the left jt on the Sept. exam which was not present (or not seen) in July. The right jt had a large mineralization (osteophyte) in July, which is not readily visible in the Sept exam and the joint space appears more normal on the Sept. exam compared to the July images." UPDATE: Heather sent us an email and informed us that Marcus is doing well and that he has started jump training. This coming from someone who a number of months ago thought she was going to have to put her horse down. Heather said, "I am happy that I have my horse back and training better than ever!" |
February 2018